Monday, May 18, 2015


Kool-AidJolly RanchersTwizzlersStarbursts and yes even Skittles ! Watermelon a popular flavor for candy manufacturers has made its mark from the movie theatre concession to the drugstores to even nostalgic memories of my latter weekly sour gummy watermelon slices from the Sweet Factory! It’s automatic that most Americans when they think of watermelon are guilty of associating watermelon with candy! Watermelon is no longer deemed the stereotypical flavor for processed candy; infact there is more to watermelon beyond it's flavor! Read on to find out how to become cool yet healthy beyond the summer flavor!

  • At 46 calories per cup, watermelon offers 20% of your daily intake of vitamin C and 17% vitamin A, according to the USDA. That’s not all
  • The water content in watermelon is extremely high at 92%. It is rich in beta-carotene, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B5 and smaller amounts of B1, B2, B3 and B6
  • Watermelon contains dietary fiber for digestive health as well as potassium,
  • The rich beta-carotene and vitamin C content in this big fruit does wonders in quenching inflammation that contributes to conditions like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • It has more lycopene than raw tomatoes, Some research even suggests that lycopene, typically found in red fruits and vegetables, may help fight heart disease and several types of cancer
  • Watermelon Juice is said to relieve muscle soreness
  • You can achieve younger looking skin with just 2-cups of watermelon daily. Research shows that watermelon cuts the risk of sun related skin damage by 40%. That's because watermelon is nature's richest source of lycopene, an antioxidant that scavenges the UV-induced free radicals that cause sunburn and wrinkling. Lycopene may also help reduce the risks of cancer and other diseases.
  • Watermelon is supposedly said to improve sleep. By eating a few slices of this fruit after dinner it can extend the deep stages of sleep by 27%. The reason is that watermelon's polysaccharide carbohydrates rev the body's output of serotonin.
  • Boosts energy so your feeling cool all summer long!  A daily serving of watermelon has been shown to boost energy levels by up to 23%. This is because watermelon contains vitamin B6, which the body uses to synthesize feel good dopamine. It also contains magnesium, which assists in the body's formation of adenosine triphosphate
  • Promotes faster healing of wound and other skin problems. The fruit is packed with the amino acid citrulline, which the body converts to arginine. Arginine speeds the delivery of white blood cells to injury sites, plus spurs the growth of new skin tissue. Study show that these processes can help skin heal 3x faster
  • Watermelon contains an abundance of an amino acid called L-citruline
  • It has an alkalinizing effect which maintains the acid-alkaline balance in the body, which neutralizes any toxic conditions of the body resulting from excessive intake of acid-forming foods
  • Alleviates high blood pressure
  • It’s diuretic action helps to eliminate excess fluids from the body, reducing water retention, especially for women during their monthly menstruation cycle and in pregnant women
  • Watermelon is a natural diuretic, hence the name water in the name is a dead giveaway as it’s good for hydration
  • Acts as a natural viagra and in the area of improved circulation. Studies have shown that watermelon has Viagra-like effects where increased circulation is guaranteed
  • Watermelon juice is known to prevent cholesterol from clogging arteries and can increase HDL, the good cholesterol, reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases
  • Watermelon is a happy fruit!  Watermelon has been scientifically proven to be a mood booster and mood elevator because it’s crammed generously with vitamin B6.  Research has confirmed that people who suffer from chronic depression and anxiety have lower levels of vitamin B6
  • Boosting Your Antioxidant Levels: Watermelon is exceptionally rich in lycopene (hence its red color) and other carotenoids such as lutein and beta-carotene
  • Watermelon seeds are very high in protein and   1 cup of dried seeds containing 30.6g, which is 61 percent of the daily recommended value. The protein in watermelon seeds consists of several amino acids, one of which is arginine, and actually are high in healthy fats.
  • Watermelon reduces toxic matters in the body, that in turn reduces asthma attacks.

DISCLAIMER: The nutritional and well-being information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutritional or  medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or health condition.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Calories seem more like an enemy  these days than a friend. However, if you change the way you view and use calories in your everyday life it can be quite Calorie-ffic! Here are 5 ways to make calories count in your favor.

The easiest way to consume hundreds of empty calories with no nutrient value is through liquid.  It’s a no brainer that water should be an automatic staple in everyone one’s diet replacing it with the sugary sodas, fruit juices, and alcoholic drinks.

Always replace processed foods with natural choices like fruits, vegetables, and anything that is whole from the food pyramid chain.  This will cut down on the amount of packaged food and unrefined sugars that you consume. Read labels when buying packaged foods to look for ingredients you can pronounce and natural products that claim to be natural, gluten free, and have no corn syrup or artificial flavors.

With weightloss or achieving certain body goals, often times it’s easy to get caught a calorie trap.  Rather than focusing on the concept of calories constantly,  focus on the idea of  healthy portions and nutrients.   Go for USDA serving size and ensure you are filling up your plate with a majority of greens, a lean protein, and a healthy carbohydrate.

If you always choose high fiber, low glycemic, and protein rich foods for most of your meals, the concept of calorie counting will become non-existent.   Fiber and protein foods keep you fuller longer, and prevent overeating, whereas low glycemic foods keep blood sugars steady which prevent eating too much. Go for fruits and vegetables that are packed with fiber and a high water volume which = will leave you fuller longer, and make digestion easier. Likewise, going for lean proteins and foods with low glycemic index will keep your portions in check.

Home no longer has to be considered a sedentary place.  There are so many activities you can do in your home to burn calories whether it’s cleaning your home to gardening to cooking to washing dishes. Here is a chart that details how many minutes of each of these home activities you need to do to burn a 100 calories
DISCLAIMER: The nutritional and well-being information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutritional or  medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or health condition.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


In life there are times when we all need that extra push to “Go the extra mile.” Most of the time in all areas of  life no one ever achieves greatness or success just doing what is simply asked of them, rather it’s the amount of excellence and hard work that is required over and above the minimum.  The inspirational phrase “Go the extra mile” infiltrates the world of fitness and health. Just take a look from the shows like NBC’s The Biggest Loser to the big screen of the iconic American movie Rudy  to our cereals like Kellogg’s endorsing Olympians like Michael Phelps story of  “going the extra mile!" With spring here, and summer close by, “tis the season of running!”  When it comes to the sport of running, many find themselves dreading this exercise. Running is perhaps the easiest way to slim down quickly and provide a great cardio workout. When done properly, and in moderation it can be externally as well as internally rewarding. The famous runner’s high as well as the slender toned physique are direct results to "Go the extra mile.” An avid runner since the young age of 22 , I have seen directly the impact that running has on my well being and of course body. Whether you’re newbie or a competitive runner here are some tips to help you manage and welcome the long distance run. On your mark, get set, and take note!

Training for long distance runs can be mentally exhausting if you don’t have a motivation for your run. Plan your run with inspiration and motivation whether it’s outside in a beautiful setting, listening to your favorite tunes, joining a running group, or preparing to race for your favorite charity.

When it comes to tacking the long distance run, wearing the right gear is just as important as the act of running.  Finding the right running shoes, workout attire, and socks to prevent injury, blistering of the feet, and even chaffing of the skin is essential so SPLURGE is a must!

Pacing is the foundation for a great long distance run.  When your running long distance you need to pace yourself throughout the course of the run, and that may mean going 20- 30 seconds slower in speed.  It also may mean listening to your body if you need to stop and rest or even walk during the course of the long run.

The stride is probably the most important factor for making your workout most effective. Leaning into each stride will increase momentum, which then can enable easier and faster movement.  The leaning depends on your pace, for example, if your walking, hinge forward slightly from the hips, whereas if your running, move from the ankles. 

Every great workout routine or running program has a warm up and cool down. The aim of the warm up is to prep the muscles and the heart for the cardiovascular endurance, whereas the purpose of the cool down is for recovery and to prevent injury.  

Variety is the spice of life!  This is true when it comes to any fitness routine. Transitioning from walking to running during your workout routine, rather then just solely focusing on one will yield maximum results. Try adding short intervals of walking in between your running to blast more fat and challenge your muscle memory to produce lean muscle. 

If there is a golden rule for long distance runners, it is the 10 percent rule. This rule states to never increase  your weekly mileage by more than 10 percent from the previous week.  The 10 percent principle is necessary because it prevents injury, burnout, and allows the body to gradually get used to running farther distance. 

Often times when we begin a new sport , fitness routine, or hobby we focus so much on doing it right or meeting goals  that we lose track of just enjoying the pure act of  the new sport or hobby.  Although you may want to go the extra mile in running, don’t put pressure on yourself and focus on  enjoying your progress along  the way. View each workout as a chance to gradually shape both your physical and emotional being. 

DISCLAIMER: The nutritional and well-being information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutritional or  medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or health condition.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Who wants to be a Millionaire? ” This famous tagline coined from the popular American television game quiz show is no longer restricted to the television, but it’s in our food aisles at the grocery store too! These days shopping at the grocery store may seem more like a journey of climbing up the pyramid to reach the "million-dollar question.” From the moment one enters the store, hidden traps and multi million dollar-marketing schemes are put forth by all food manufacturers. The grocery store is a marketers dream with enticing products at aisle ends and eye level shelves to catch your attention and lure you to purchase their products, With endless marketing traps from key buzzwords, and low prices on processed foods, and exaggerated marketing campaigns to lure and bait you in to purchase can leave you feeling exhausted and defeated in the game of health. But with a few proven tricks and tips, I believe you can come out a winner in the game of health. Here are 23 tips to get you shopping down millionaire’s lane…

  1. Go in with a list of healthy foods that you have in mind
  2. Always shop the produce and go for in season veggies and fruits
  3. With meat and fish try to shop for 95 percent lean or higher, and with poultry choose a breast (whole or ground) only
  4. Go crazy with shrimp because it’s a high protein, low-fat,  and low calorie 
  5. Go for cube or string cheese if you are a cheese lover over a block. This way you won’t overeat cheese, and opt for low fat versions
  6. Shop the color of the rainbow- To get the most variety of nutrients, try to include every color of the spectrum—red, green, orange, yellow, purple, white—in your diet
  7. Go Grainy!  Try different natural grains like quinoa, brown-rice pasta, whole-wheat pasta, bulgar, and couscous or gluten free breads to replace white refined carbohydrates 
  8. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store where fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, and fish are  located. Avoid the center aisles where junk and processed food primarily is
  9. Don’t over look canned and dried foods. Always keep a variety of canned vegetables, fruits, and beans on hand to toss into soups, salads, pasta, or rice dishes. Choose vegetables without added salt, tuna packed in water or salmon, low-fat soups, nut butters, olive and canola oils, and assorted vinegars too
  10. Choose "real" foods like 100% fruit juice or 100% whole-grain items with little to no processing and additives as possible
  11.  Bulk up on frozen fruits and vegetables without sauce are just as nutritious as the produce that’s in season
  12. Spice it up! Spices are an easy way to add flavor to lean meats, veggies, and other entrees without the calories
  13. Look for the lean in protein. Go for fish, poultry, or turkey rather than beef or pork.  If choosing beef go for the leanest cuts like the “round” and “loin”. For any ground meat whether it’s turkey or chicken make sure it’s 90 percent lean. With poultry always go for skinless or take it off at home before cooking.        
  14. Avoid foods that contain more than five ingredients, artificial ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce.
  15. Skip on the soda, and fruit juices, and think water only
  16. Go Greek or go home!  When it comes to yogurt, Go for Greek unless you are dairy free. Greek yogurt is high in protein and packed with good bacteria, which aids in healthy digestion.  It’s also great to use in recipes or to cook with
  17. Forget the butter and margarine and look for healthier alternatives when it comes to cooking/baking like olive oil, nut butters, avocados, coconut oil, bananas, chick peas, and earth balance spreads
  18. Do a Dose of Dairy! Unlike the campaign milk does a body good; too much dairy is not good on the body, but small doses are beneficial.  When shopping for dairy look for antibiotic, and hormone free, low fat, and organic versions if possible. Goat milk is a great alternative as well. These days’ non-dairy options like Almond, Coconut, and several other dairy free milks are great alternatives and can provide the same amount if not more nutrition.
  19. With cereals always read the ingredients and look for low sugar, high fiber cereal
  20. The ever-popular notion of "Buyer Beware" must be taken into account  when looking at packaged foods. Just because something says it’s low in calories take note at the amount of calories per serving. With packaged foods pay attention to servings per calories, and ingredients you can’t pronounce
  21. Oatlicious! Make Oats your go to cereal! The fiber in oats may help lower cholesterol and steady blood glucose levels.  If you choose instant varieties look at the sugar intake and ingredients to avoid choosing a processed brand.
  22. Always go for the shorter ingredient list when you are shopping for packaged foods in the grocery store
  23. Skip on the Bakery, and learn to recreate healthier versions of baked goods that call for fewer ingredients without the refined sugars and saturated fats

DISCLAIMER: The nutritional and well-being information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutritional or  medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or health condition.