Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Now that it’s New Years Eve, chances are your probably getting ready to get decked out to get your groove on, some of you may be getting your pre- champagne on, or may just be in good company laughing  with friends and family to not be thinking of the good old New Years Resolutions!  The idea of making a New Years Resolutions seems so inspiring, yet when reality sets in it can be quite daunting and overwhelming to most. According to leading researcher, Richard Wisemen, 50% of all Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but 88% of all those set resolutions from half of America fail.  That’s a staggering 156 million failed resolutions, and empty promises to one’s self.  

Chances are at some point in your life you made a resolution to change a behavior or work towards a goal, and then three weeks later this was forgotten or broken.  I’m the first to admit that I have been guilty of this once or maybe even twice! However, as I have gotten older I realized that setting goals, and sticking to New Years resolutions really comes down to the concept of “simplicity” and applying my powerful approach of “One.” Read on to find out how my philosophy pertaining the concept of “The Power of One” that I use daily can implement change and long term growth when it comes to sticking to your New Years Resolutions. 

For those of you who know me, I have been known in my earlier years to take on a million projects at once while setting too many goals in an unrealistic period.  This approach has always backfired leaving me rundown and a bit stressed out to even continue on.  Instead of working on five different resolutions, zero in on one resolution both short and long term. There will be a higher chance for change and a bigger payoff when you are focusing on one resolution at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself with a laundry list a mile long. This way you can focus your effort and attention on one long term and short-term goal. This will make it easier for you formulate an action plan to target change around a specific behavior or to reach a goal. 

When you are putting your New Years resolutions into action apply the concept “ One day at a time.”  Don’t look too far ahead and return your thinking to the moment.  Don’t put too much pressure on yourself for immediate results, and avoid being too hard on yourself if you slip back into old behaviors. Remember to focus on that day and your action plan that you are taking to replace old habits.


Unhealthy behaviors develop over the course of time, so just as long as they were taken to form it can take a while to reverse them. Remember if you are not seeing progress with the first resolution don’t jump to the second resolution. Therefore, replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones requires time. Don’t expect to be Superwoman or Superman and have it down in one day!


Replace old behaviors with one new habit.  People who want to change bad habits or stick to new years resolutions must translate that change with a new habit.  For example, if you are looking to lose weight and keep it off you may have a soft spot for cookies and cakes, so anytime you feel tempted to have this try replacing it with strawberries and bananas.  Another would be if you are looking to quit smoking or are trying to cut back. For example, if you like to smoke after meals or when you get nervous, replace that habit with writing in a journal or on a piece paper when you get the urge to smoke of the horrible effects that the smoke will cause on your body. The idea of old habits being replaced with new positive habits eventually becomes what is called “habitual automaticity" which is performing the new habit without having to think about it, and rewiring the mind to diminish and move away from the old behaviors.


In order to see change in areas of life,  you have to practice new behaviors daily and implement those lifestyle changes.  Progress or change won’t be shown without practicing or reinforcing the new years resolutions. For example, if you are looking to lose weight or become slimmer you must practice healthy eating habits and incorporate exercise.


When sticking to resolutions and making changes it’s important you take an action plan that has small steps and is realistic.  For example, if your goal is to exercise more frequently start with three days a weeks for 45 minutes rather than everyday for an hour in half.  Another example would be is if you’re trying to lose weight and your not allowing yourself any dessert until you drop your goal weight. Rather than punishing yourself of all desserts, look online for natural desserts that use fruit, or can be considered “guilt free” in moderation with exercise. 


With every journey for change, don’t forget to reward yourself along the way.  Set a reward after x amount of time to celebrate your hard work and effort in accomplishing your goals.


I look at my life with this intent that we were given one mind, one body, and a lifetime.  The way we use our mind and body determines our lifetime. When ever I look to make resolution or implement positive change I practice this underlying concept.  Don’t ever forget that when the mind and body are one we are at our greatest potential!

DISCLAIMER: The nutritional and well-being information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutritional or  medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

for more information go to 

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Forget TMZUS WeeklySTAR, and of course EXTRA for all your updates on the who’s dating who in Hollywood, and who’s headed for the hills! The real juicy gossip is in the world of health these days and it boils down to what foods are on making the A-list!  An all time favorite for many including myself, and used in most recipes and found in marinara sauces to ketchup, you may say Tomato, but I say Tomahato! Yes, you heard me correctly Tomato is being named one of the world’s healthiest foods.  There is so much gossip as to why you need to get a bite on this sweet but tangy superfood! Read the break down behind this juicy gossip:

Tomatoes are a powerhouse for vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source for potassium, vitamin A, C, K, Folate, and Potassium. It provides thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, and cooper.

Tomatoes are inflammation-fighting foods. Tomatoes are high in bioflavonoids and carotenoids, which are known anti-inflammatory agents. If you have chronic pain it involves chronic inflammation, so attacking the inflammation is a good way to overcome or lessen your chronic pain. When you reduce inflammation you can make your weight loss hormones, such as leptin work right allowing you to lose weight more easily. Leptin is your body’s natural weight control mechanism.

Studies shows that tomato consumption reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, digestive tract cancer (mouth, throat, esophagus, pancreas, colon, and rectum), cardiovascular disease, asthma, and chronic lung disease. Other studies have shown that tomatoes are extremely beneficial towards men who eat four servings of tomato products per week resulting in a 40 percent reduction in prostate cancer. A big part of this is due to the antioxidant lycopene which is present in tomatoes and is effective in lowering the risk of cancer.

Since Vitamin A is present in tomatoes it helps improve your eyesight, as well as prevent night-blindness and macular degeneration.

Eating a tomato is a great for your heart. It helps regularly decrease the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood, reducing the deposition of fats in the blood vessels.

Tomatoes are great in maintaining good blood health because it has vitamin K, which controls bleeding and blood clotting, and improves blood circulation. Tomatoes are also high in salicylates, which have an anti-clotting effect on the blood, and may be partially responsible for tomatoes' protective effect against heart disease, and also preventing strokes.

Just like the phrase eating an apple a day to melt the pounds away, well eating a tomato can keep your digestive system healthy. It prevents both, constipation and diarrhea, and jaundice too! It effectively removes toxins from the body, and keeps your body alkaline.

If you want healthy glowing skin and strong hair then try a tomato. Packed with vitamin A, which is converted, to Beta-Carotene, which is great for the health of the skin, and creates strong hair.

Tomatoes are packed with vitamin K, which are very good for strengthening and repairing bones.  Also, Lycopene which has been shown to improve bone mass which is a great way to fight osteoporosis.


      Here are some simple ways to add tomatoes to your food plan

  • Sliced tomatoes on sandwiches
  • Chopped tomatoes in salad
  • Natural marinara sauce
  • Tomato Juice
  • Eggs with tomatoes
  • Tomatoes on multi-grain crackers or rice cakes
  • Salsa
  • Low sodium tomato soup
  • Search for healthy recipes that call for tomatoes

                                              RECIPE FROM EATING WELL


Per serving: 91 calories; 6 g fat (2 g sat, 4 g mono); 4 mg cholesterol; 6 g carbohydrates; 3 g protein; 2 g fiber; 375 mg sodium; 363 mg potassium.
Carbohydrate Servings: 1/2
Exchanges: 1 vegetable, 1 fat

DISCLAIMER: The nutritional, fitness, and well-being information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutritional or medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

For more information go to 

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Are you ready? Ready to always pledge allegiance to  honoring the flat tummy? I know I am, and always will! That’s why I’m sharing my top belly busters to getting rid of the muffin top, bulge, pudge, and excess fat stored in the midsection.  No longer to do you have to dread bathing suit season or shopping for clothes to hide this area, because  here are my top belly busters that I follow all the time to banish the belly for good! LET THE BELLY FLATTENING BEGIN!

 Lean protein keeps you fuller longer and your body burns more calories to break down and digest it. Protein is also the nutrient that builds muscle and the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism and the more calories you'll burn throughout the day.

 Eating only three meals a day can create energy imbalances, and lead to over eating and binging on unhealthy food choices.  Every time you eat your body is burning, and when you go for long periods of time without eating there is an energy imbalance.  To drop fat and create lean muscle you need to look at your body as an engine that is properly fueled so break up your meals every 3-4 hours to keep you satisfied, your metabolism burning at it’s fullest, and so you don’t crash!

 You can have the healthiest diet but if you drink excessive amounts of alcohol it will be hard for you to have abs. I’m not saying completely give up alcohol however limit or minimize alcohol to one to three drinks a week. When you drink go for alcohol beverages that are smart choices and do not contain high amounts of sugar.  A glass of champagne, prosecco, red wine, or a light beer.  If you do want hard liquor go for club soda, and vodka, because calories and sugar are the lowest.  Remember try to limit the frequency and amount you drink weekly and choose it for special occasions, rather than an everyday thing. Alcohol not only doesn't make you feel full but has little to no nutrient value besides red wine. Studies have proven alcohol slows down your metabolism encouraging your body  to burn around 37 percent less fat and makes it easier for fat to accumulate in your midsection.

Forget soda, diet-soda, carbonated beverages, and beverages loaded with tons of added sugars and chemicals. They will make it harder for you to have any chance of maintaining or getting a flat belly. Water may not be your first choice, but trust me it has a ton of benefits. It flushes out toxins, hydrates your body, decreases sodium intake, keeps you fuller, and it transports nutrients to your muscles to keep your metabolism going.

Focus on foods that are high in protein, fiber, burn fat, and are low glycemic which enable healthier eating choices to banish the belly, and allow for a flat stomach.  These foods mentioned above will curb cravings, keep you satisfy, keep blood sugars steady, boost metabolism, sustain energy, and keep you in check.  Some of them are berries, natural peanut butter, almonds, almond butter,  walnuts, sunflower seeds, Greek yogurt, piece of cheese,  whey protein, protein powder, oatmeal-unsweetened/low sugar or just plain oats, apples, salmon, sweet potato, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage asparagus,  almonds, eggs, egg whites,  soy, berries, broccoli, quinoa, beans, legumes, lean meats-turkey, grilled chicken, lentils, watermelon, onions, and brown rice

This is perhaps the easiest way to see improvements in your diet, and midsection. Eliminate heavy white carbohydrates, and avoid  sugary pastries, baked goods, ice cream, candy, sugary cereals, white breads , white pasta, and heavy carbohydrates that turn sugar into your bloodstream, and then store as fat in your midsection.

EMBRACE MUFA’s (monosaturated fatty acids)
Forget the myth of eliminating all fat from your diet to get a flat tummy.  Infact, MUFA’s known as monounsaturated fatty acids  should be included in 3 of your meals because they not only increase your metabolism but they reduce fat in your stomach.  These are plant-based fats, and the easiest way to remember them is that they are not animal fats, and are avocados, nuts, seeds, oils, and olives.

Aim to keep sodium levels in check and less than 2,000 mg a day. Avoid high sodium foods like frozen microwave meals, salty chips, soy sauce, and even some soups. Stick to low sodium products and healthier brands for foods that are known to be high in sodium.

Forget the olden days where you were told you need to solely focus on just doing hundreds of sit-up’s to get great abs. Today, fitness experts stress total body workouts that focus on flexibility and strength around the core. This method doesn’t just focus on the abs in isolation, but uses your abdominals, arms, legs, back, muscles, and glutes. Ex- Circuit training, crossfit classes, pilates, yoga, cardio sculpt classes

Maintaining consistency when implementing new lifestyle changes is important especially when it comes to making changes externally as well as internally. Remember to motivate yourself with positive affirmations and to believe in yourself that you can do it! When results get met don’t forget to reward yourself whether it’s a new outfit, cheat food, or even a special treat outside your new lifestyle, because you deserve it!


Ingredients- Two boxes of strawberries
  4 small 100 calorie vanilla greek yogurts

 Directions:  Wash the strawberries and then cut them in halves removing the stem. Then take the greek vanilla yogurts and pour them into a bowl.  Then dip the cut strawberries in the greek yogurt. Get a tray out and spread the strawberries on it. Then put in the freezer for about an hour to hour in half.   If you don't want the strawberries too frozen then it's important to check on them after the first 30 minutes and then every 20 minutes after. This is a great snack and even better for your abs! 

DISCLAIMER: The nutritional, fitness, and well-being information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutritional or medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

For more information go to

Thursday, December 18, 2014


No longer are food or external factors the number #1 enemy when it comes to sabotaging weight loss goals or wreaking havoc on the body. Can you take a wild guess what it is? I will give you a hint, have you ever started a project that you were super motivated and excited in the beginning but when results were not meeting expectations immediately, and instead obstacles were taking center stage which ultimately triggered that “switch off” in your positive thinking to only leave you feeling defeated and finally throwing in the towel! Whether it’s trying a new sport and excelling at it, pushing yourself to a high level in competitive athletics, embarking on a new field of study, starting your own business, leading a healthier lifestyle, or just wanting to lose weight and keep it off the one thing in common to all these conquests that decide if it’s going to prevail is the good old mind!  This idea concurs with the diet dilemma, weight loss, and maintaining a healthy weight.  Automatically one assumes that all of these three have everything to do with food, but in reality it has nothing to do with food, it’s our perception, and being able to change the wiring of our mind. Therefore healthy choices shouldn’t seem like a diet or a prison sentence, but should just feel right and are an outer reflection of how we feel about ourselves. To be at what I call your ideal thin weight for good and to keep it off, or even if your looking to get rid of toxic unhealthy behaviors like excessive drinking, drugs, or emotional past trauma you have to fight the natural protective mechanisms that your body and mind put in place until it adjusts to the new, healthier you. In essence, we don’t need the “perfect ” diet or the “best” workout plan or a “leading” life coach to get to our goals we just need the “right motivation.”  So when the going gets tough and rough, here are a few ways to keep you motivated to achieving your self-transformation!


Ditch the diet concept and make lifestyle changes.  There is no such thing as diets they don’t work.  You need to make a commitment to leading a healthy new life and that comes with a new lifestyle. This includes healthier choices for exercise, sleep, emotional health, and food. Most importantly you have to be ready to leave the old unhealthy choices in the past, and be able to reprogram your mind towards those unhealthy behaviors.


It’s so important to have people by your side supporting you in promoting these positive changes, and also holding you accountable.  Find a mentor, medical professional, expert, support group, close friends, and family to encourage you and provide you with structure or guidance in changing your habits. One way you can set yourself up to succeed is having others hold you accountable and  make sure you stick to those changes.  In the area of weight loss, statistics have shown that checking in with someone weekly in person helps maintain weight loss better than if your simply trying to do it on your own. This idea can be applied to any lifestyle changes.


Find out your “why” for losing weight or just getting rid of unhealthy behaviors.  Besides the external reason of wanting to lose weight to appear more attractive, what is the intrinsic motivation?  This is forgetting about the external reasons, and this is what I call soul searching deep within yourself of why your ready. Maybe your tired of feeling isolated or not being able to have enough energy to do all the things you wanted, or just want to be the best you can be, and have been letting your fear prevent you from exploring a new territory of self transformation.  Once you identify your "why" for change write it down and constantly reinforce it throughout your journey especially when you’re ready to go back and revert to your old ways.


It’s imperative that you understand losing weight, getting rid of unhealthy behaviors, or beating addictions is a process, and doesn’t happen with the wave of a magic wand.  Remember it took time to develop unhealthy eating habits and addictions like alcohol and drugs for some. It will take time to reverse these behaviors.  There are going to be days where you may feel down or faced with challenges to make you want to revert to your old ways, remember stress and life challenges are inevitable but being defeated is an option. Try to remind yourself of the positive outcomes and knowing that the light is far more rewarding at the end of the tunnel than reversing back to old unhealthy behaviors.  This always goes back to reminding yourself of your “why.”


Being at tune with your emotions and how you feel in the present moment is key. I can’t stress this 100 percent when trying to lose weight or beat any addiction.   Being able to embrace all emotions is the key to change rather than reacting or acting out on them, which most likely resulted into leading that unhealthy life.  Rather than fighting or repressing the emotion of sadness, anger, self-hate, or fear write in a journal, meditate, or go for run.  Accept it and learn the feelings will pass. So many times people repress or numb out their own feelings through food, alcohol, drugs, sex, and spending, rather than embracing the uncomfortable feeling. Just remind yourself the feelings are temporary and they will pass.


Any story of positive self-transformation like weightloss, beating an addiction or overcoming other unhealthy behaviors deserves to be heard. Think like a winner because sharing personal successes, and inspiring others is a great way to keep yourself centered and on track, and your helping others as well to promote positive change!


Remember when all is done with your journey of self-transformation the end result is the best version of you. No longer will your mind move backwards to self-defeating behaviors instead your mind and body will be at one to thrive and move forward into achieving all your dreams!

DISCLAIMER: The nutritional, fitness, and well-being information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutritional or medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

For more information go to

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Want to eat clean, keep it natural, and eat like you’re in paradise? I have two words for you to remember SMOOTHIE BOWLS! The latest food craze to hit the  health community since the onset of gluten free products. Smoothie bowls, a cross between an upgraded version of cold cereal full of super foods, and colorful smoothies. Commonly made exclusively from fruits, superfoods, veggies, yogurt, milk options, ice, and comes topped with a myriad of beautiful fresh chopped toppings that include nuts, granola, muesli, hemp, chia seeds, almond butter, fruit, coconut flakes, caico nibs, and other assorted fruit toppings. If you’re a master chef or just one who loves to play around with recipes and put your own touch on it, then the smoothie bowl is the perfect recipe to play with! Although smoothie bowls are deemed healthy  once you  starting adding too many ingredients to the  mix and in rather large quantities they can be quite high in calories, so just keep portions in check.  Here are some tips to either building a healthy smoothie bowl or eating one when you’re out!

  • Keep in mind to create your smoothie bowls around the caloric range  of 200-550 calories.  If you’re eating for a meal then use portions and ingredients equaling more towards a meal of 500 calories or a little more. If you’re having it as a snack keep it to 150-300 calorie range.

  • Ideal Mix for a smoothie bowl contains 2 part greens, 1 part fruit, 1 part protein, 1 part healthy fat, super foods, ice, and liquid

  • Watch portions and look for recipes snacks or light breakfast options online that are around 200-350 calories per bowl serving

  • If certain recipes are more than 500 calories remember you can minimize or cut portions in half, use ingredient swaps for lighter ingredients, and add more ice and water

  •  If your out at a restaurant or food place like Jamba Juice look at nutritional information. Keep in mind smoothie bowls at restaurants  are higher in calories, so just be ready to  eat it as a meal especially if it’s 450-600 calories or if your in the mood for a snack and it’s around the higher range just eat 2/3 or 1/2 and wrap it to go as a dessert for later

  •  If you like your smoothie thick add more ice, or protein type powders to create thicker consistency

  • If you like more of a liquid consistency add more water, or milk  

  • Target Recipes online based on what type of smoothie bowl you would like to recreate. For example, if your looking for a breakfast smoothie bowl that has raspberries and greek yogurt and chia seeds and is in the 300 calorie range use Google to filter out the best matches

  • Don’t forget to have fun, and to build your bowl from the mind body concept.  Build with the intent to nourish your body with essential vitamins and minerals, and boost your energy for your body and mind
       to enjoy.



 Serving for  1 ¾ cups , Prep time five minutes

creamy, thick, gluten-free, healthy smoothie made with chocolate, coconut and almonds. It tastes just like an Almond Joy candy bar.
  • ⅓ cup rolled oats (I used Trader Joe's Gluten Free Oats)
  • 1 tsp. chia seeds
  • ½ cup plain greek yogurt, 0% fat
  • ½ cup unsweetened coconut milk from carton or milk of your choice
  • 1 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ¼ tsp. coconut extract
  • ⅛ tsp. almond extract
  • ¼ tsp. stevia (to taste) or even maple syrup would be good
  • Toppings:
  • 1 tbsp. almonds, slivered
  • 1 tbsp shredded unsweetened coconut
  • The night before, in a bowl add all of the ingredients, except for the toppings. Mix well, cover and refrigerate over night.
  • In the morning, add the rolled oats mixture in a blender and process until smooth.
  • Pour into a bowl, top with slivered almonds and shredded coconut.

Calories including toppings: 258, Fat: 9.8, Cholesterol: 0, Sodium: 52, Potassium: 145, Carbs: 28, Fiber: 6, Sugar: 6, Protein: 17

DISCLAIMER: The nutritional, fitness, and well-being information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutritional or medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

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