Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Snack or not to Snack? Typically snacks can make or break your diet, however once you’re finished reading my article you will be all about the snack attack!  I’m talking snacking with the intent to fuel your mind and body. Unfortunately, it’s not those yummy chocolate chip cookies, creamy ice cream sundaes, crisp French fries, or your favorite candy bar. Those low nutrient sugary snacks are what I call “ bad fuel foods”, which provide one with a quick jolt of energy that is followed by a crash and burn leaving one hungry, cranky, sleepy, and unable to concentrate.  Luckily, there are so many yummy and better snacks out there to be the driving force of your wellbeing. These nutrient dense snacks are what I call “good fuel foods” which will keep your metabolism revved up, normalize blood sugar, increase energy, and balance out moods. If snacking is done right it prevents overeating at meals, aids in weight loss, helps maintain an ideal weight, and prevents that crash and burn what I call a food hangover! 


•Stay away from calorie dense and high sugary snacks that contain no nutritional value

•A snack should be anywhere from 100-250 calories depending on your activity. However, if your workouts are high intensity like training for a marathon, competitive swimming or biking you may want increase a bit more

•Avoid those so-called pre-packaged “light snacks” at the grocery store for 60-90-100-calorie snacks that have lots of additives and very little nutrition. These will provide that crash and burn due to the additives and no nutrient value

•Choose snack combos wisely. Make sure snacks include complex carbohydrates for energy, a lean protein to feel full

•Look for snacks that are higher in fiber like fruits and vegetables because they take longer to digest 

•Always try to pair a vegetable or fruit with a protein, because protein helps slow the release of sugar. For example, sliced apples with almond butter or an orange with a few pieces of turkey is better than the fruit on it’s own. Another example could be tofu with green beans

•Look for low glycemic snacks like Kind Bars which are foods that don’t hit your blood stream for a while 

•Portion control applies to snacks as well. Make sure your following serving size portions especially when creating combos 

•Initially, stick to making your own snacks over buying packaged foods

•Plan your snacks ahead of time with a list before you go to the grocery store, and prepare them so you can bring them to work or on the go in order to ensure that you won’t grab junk food

•Resist buying junk food, so that way you won’t snack on it. Instead if your craving sweets buy ingredients for a healthy dessert recipe that you can cook and  try throughout the week. When you cook your own desserts they are a lot healthier 

•Snacking doesn’t constitute a meal, so make sure your eating regular meals

• Don’t view snacks as a treat instead view it as fuel to bridge you between your meals so you don’t overeat or become lethargic 

• Make sure your snacks are at least 3- 4 hours after a meal

Remember snacking when done right will boost your metabolism, increase your energy, and ensure a proper balanced diet of all essential nutrients and vitamins. Most importantly, when you snack attack the happy way. blood sugars will be stable which in turn prevent you from getting snappy, forgetful, or upset easily, and puts you in better spirits which then transcends outward into the universe for greater abundance and bigger accomplishments! 


-Apple and a cup of skim milk
-half an avocado and cottage cheese
-handful of almonds
-100 calorie Greek Yogurt with a serving of low sugar or high protein granola
-Kind Bars
- Hummus with veggies
-high protein oatmeal with blueberries
-Gluten free rice cakes with almond butter
-banana with a serving size of peanut butter
-seaweed salad
-cup of lentils with field greens
-asparagus, strawberries, and walnuts,
-Oats with Greek yogurt and blueberries
-One slice of mozzarella cheese and few slices of tomato
-One/half cup of cottage cheese and berries,
-One Multi-grain waffle with a serving  sun butter or almond butter
-Hardboiled egg and a gluten free rice cake
-Two egg whites with 5 whole grain crackers
-Two pieces of Salmon with 6 whole grain crackers

Pear With Ricotta Cheese and Cinnamon


Calories per serving: 170
Fat per serving: 5g
Saturated fat per serving: 3g
Monounsaturated fat per serving: 1.5g
Polyunsaturated fat per serving: 0g
Protein per serving: 8g
Carbohydrates per serving: 27g
Fiber per serving: 5g
Cholesterol per serving: 20mg
Sodium per serving: 80mg

DISCLAIMER: The nutritional and well-being information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional nutritional or  medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

For more information go to www.simplydelish4u.com

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